

Regenerative Development
of Anlo Wetlands

Working with local communities, ReDAW is building Ghana's first blue carbon and integrated blue economy project, both restoring mangrove forests and investing in critical sustainable development projects.

Community focussed

Our project follows strong protocols for community participation, using Verra's Community, Climate & Biodiversity CCB Standard. Community needs and views govern project goals and strategy.

High-quality offsets

Mangroves sequester carbon at high rates and perform essential ecosystem services for marine and terrestrial life. We are reversing decades-long decline of mangrove forests in an internationally important wetland.

Livelihoods driven

We ensure that whole communities secure permanent legal land rights, while providing jobs and investment in forestry, aquaculture, beekeeping, agriculture, and finance for Community Trust Funds.

High-standard Carbon Credits

A Verra Carbon Standard Project

The ReDAW project is registered on the Verra Carbon Standard (VCS) under the VM0033 Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration. It will also comply with Verra's Community, Climate and Biodiversity (CCB) Standard.

Rigorous operational standards

Strong community governance

Strong monitoring procedures

Climate Finance for Communities

VCS credits allow us to finance forest restoration, skilled jobs and seasonal labour, and regenerative community aquaculture, apiculture, and agriculture for economic and food security. Community-governed Trust Funds manage community carbon and other revenues.

Strong climate and social benefits

Carbon credits that support development

Community Trust Funds for equitable outcomes

Phase 1 Project Impacts


Hectares Restored


Hectares Restored


Jobs Created


Jobs Created


Community Funds Financed


Community Funds Financed

Mangrove Aquaculture

Aquaculture operations are growing rapidly in Ghana, often at the expense of wetlands. ReDAW's team combines aquaculture and forestry experts to build unique, regenerative aquaculture systems.

Mangrove Honey

Bees that forage in black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) forests produce unique honey. Black mangrove are rare in Ghana due to long-term decline: as well as restoring them, we are working with apiculture experts to supply smallholders with hives to benefit from the new forests.

Regenerative Farms

We practice salt-tolerant, halophytic agriculture that improves soils and reduces freshwater stress by using saltwater. The biomass can be used to feed aquaculture fish or processed into a range of materials and commodities.

Mangrove Aquaculture

Aquaculture operations are growing rapidly in Ghana, often at the expense of wetlands. ReDAW's team combines aquaculture and forestry experts to build unique, regenerative aquaculture systems.

Mangrove Honey

Bees that forage in black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) forests produce unique honey. Black mangrove are rare in Ghana due to long-term decline: as well as restoring them, we are working with apiculture experts to supply smallholders with hives to benefit from the new forests.

Regenerative Farms

We practice salt-tolerant, halophytic agriculture that improves soils and reduces freshwater stress by using saltwater. The biomass can be used to feed aquaculture fish or processed into a range of materials and commodities.

Partners & Funders

Partners & Funders

ReDAW is engaged in key partnerships to ensure the project has access to the technical and financial resources required for its long-term success.

Our Process

Our Process

An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral
An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral
An illustration from Carlos Gomes Cabral


Project scoping

Project areas are found through remote and field studies. Sites are selected due to their high degree of degradation, suitability for mangroves and for livelihoods activities.


Community consent


Starting a project


Project scoping

Project areas are found through remote and field studies. Sites are selected due to their high degree of degradation, suitability for mangroves and for livelihoods activities.


Community consent


Starting a project


Project scoping

Project areas are found through remote and field studies. Sites are selected due to their high degree of degradation, suitability for mangroves and for livelihoods activities.


Community consent


Starting a project

Regenerative Development of Anlo Wetlands Ltd.
A company incorporated in Ghana

Savietula-Anyanui, Anloga District, Volta Region

ReDAW © 2024

Regenerative Development of Anlo Wetlands Ltd.
A company incorporated in Ghana

Savietula-Anyanui, Anloga District, Volta Region

© 2016-2023 VisionIQ - MIT License

Regenerative Development of Anlo Wetlands Ltd.
A company incorporated in Ghana

Savietula-Anyanui, Anloga District, Volta Region

Babarogic © 2023. Designed by Goran Babarogic